1. Data source #jqSjYA8q
Research Paper / Policy Report
Publication title
Central Plans and Global Exports: Tracking Vietnam’s Forestry Commodity Chains and Export Links to China
Comment on data source
A collaboration paper with Forest Trends (http://www.forest-trends.org), Center for International Forestry Research (http://www.cifor.cgiar.org), and The York Centre for Asian Research (YCAR) (http://www.yorku.ca/ycar/).
The links between growing Chinese imports of wood products and
impacts on ‘producer countries’ in Southeast Asia can be overstated. In general, from the available
information, Chinese demand does not appear to play a leading role in impacting Vietnam’s forestry situation,
although information on the illegal trade in logs and sawntimber, either originating in Vietnam or transiting
through Vietnam from Laos and Cambodia, remains sparse.