Latin America

The Land Matrix Regional Focal Point (RFP) Latin America, hosted by the Foundation for Development in Justice and Peace (FUNDAPAZ), is responsible for regional-level data collection, research, policy, advocacy, networking, and communication. FUNDAPAZ works in collaboration with the Research Institute on Renewable Energy (INENCO).

Country profiles

Country profiles present national-level data of large-scale land acquisitions and transactions including who the investors are, what the aim of the investment is, who the former owner was and what the land was previously used for, and what the potential benefits and impacts of the land deals are.

By making this information available, the Land Matrix hopes to enhance broad engagement and data exchange, facilitating the continuous improvement of the data. Find out how to get involved here .

Download country profiles for:

Header for Perfiles de País: Paraguay
Perfiles de País: Paraguay

Aunque Paraguay cuenta con una alta biodiversidad en sus seis ecorregiones, en las últimas cinco décadas el país perdió casi el 90% de la cobertura boscosa original de su territorio, debido a la expansión de las actividades agrícolas y ganaderas, en particular en la región del Chaco. Esta expansión generó …

Header for Country profile: Paraguay
Country profile: Paraguay

Although Paraguay boasts high biodiversity in all its six eco-regions, in the last five decades, it has lost almost 90% of its original forest cover due to the expansion of agricultural and livestock activities, particularly in the Chaco region. This expansion has also generated multiple conflicts over land tenure between …

Header for Perfiles de País: Argentina
Perfiles de País: Argentina

Argentina, como el resto de América Latina y el Caribe (LAC), sufrió un intenso proceso de deforestación y pérdida de cobertura natural en las últimas décadas. Esto es importante a nivel regional y global, siendo Argentina el octavo país más grande del mundo, con una superficie de más de 2,7 …

News & publications

Header for The greenest country in the world? The case of the Saamaka and their fight against deforestation
The greenest country in the world? The case of the Saamaka and their fight against deforestation

New evidence from geospatial maps reveals the shocking extent of forest damage to Saamaka territory in Suriname’s Amazon due to illegal logging and mining concessions granted by the government. Saamaka territory is also a critical carbon sink. More than 14 years after the Inter-American Court of Human Rights mandated the …

Header for Loggers have ‘grabbed’ around 1m hectares of Indigenous land in DRC
Loggers have ‘grabbed’ around 1m hectares of Indigenous land in DRC

Author: Josh Gabbatiss
Published: 12 March 2024
Source: Carbon Brief

Logging companies have “acquired” roughly 1m hectares of Indigenous peoples’ territory in the Democratic Republic of the Congo since 2000, according to a new study.

This is part of a wider trend in which companies and governments take advantage of …

Header for Large-scale acquisitions of communal land in the Global South: Assessing the risks and formulating policy recommendations
Large-scale acquisitions of communal land in the Global South: Assessing the risks and formulating policy recommendations

Authors: Jorge A. Rincón Barajas, Christoph Kubitza and Jann Lay
Published: 2024
Source: Land Use Policy

This research by Land Matrix partner GIGA conceptualises and empirically assesses the socioeconomic and environmental risks of large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) for communal lands in the Global South. These risks include the displacement of …

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