Deal #761 Version 90694 Version 93942
Size under contract (leased or purchased area)
  • [2013, current] 150000 ha
  • [2013] 150000 ha
  • [2024, current] 17693.8 ha
Comment on land area
110000 hectares owned and 40000 hectares leased
110000 hectares owned and 40000 hectares leased (It's data from 2008. See documentary source 1). In consultation with the National Rural Registration System (SNCR) of the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA) (carried out on May 21, 2024), seven Suzano Papel e Celulose properties were identified in the municipality of Três Lagoas, totaling 17,693.8 hectares: Fazenda Laguna: 1601,3932 Fazenda Estrela d'Dalva: 299,4177 hectares Fazenda Pontal ou Faia II: 1133,1068 hectares Fazenda Horto da Ana Rosa: 1810,8073 hectares Fazenda Flor da Serra: 1700,0728 hectares Fazenda Horto Santa Luzia: 3688,427 hectares Fazenda Barra da Moeda: 5401,8636 hectares Fazenda Horto Nova Palmito: 2058,6965 hectares
Operating company
Actors involved in the negotiation / admission process
  • Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) Government / state institutions (government, ministries, departments, agencies etc.)
Name of investment project
Três Lagoas
Unidade de Três Lagoas
Comment on investment chain
In 2009, Fibria and International Paper form a partnership to build the "Horizonte 1” paper and cellulose factory in Três Lagoas. Production capacity: 1.3 25 million tons of cellulose. In 2017, Fibria expanded with a new production factory, Horizonte 2, also in Três Lagoas. In 2018, Fibria announced its merger with Suzano Papel e Celulose. In 2019, this transaction was completed and Fibria was renamed Suzano Papel and Cellulose. Previously, the factories were called Horizonte 1 and Horizonte 2, but with the change of control to Suzano Papel e Celulose, the names were changed. Suzano Papel e Celulose obtained a US$9.2 billion loan from the National Bank for Economic and Social Development to buy Fibria.
Name of community
Rural Community of Arapuá,
Rural Community of Garcias,
Agrarian Reform Settlement "20 de Março",
Agrarian Reform Settlement "Pontal do Faia"
Name of indigenous people
Comment on communities / indigenous peoples affected
The Indigenous Land is declared by the Brazilian State, however, it has not yet been demarcated. The Ofayé-Xavante Indigenous Land is located in the municipality of Brasilândia, near the municipality of Três Lagoas, but it suffers from the effects of eucalyptus.
Recognition status of community land tenure
Indigenous Peoples traditional or customary rights recognized by government
Community traditional or customary rights recognized by government
Comment on recognition status of community land tenure
Only the agrarian reform settlements have their rights recognized; the other rural communities do not.
Community reaction
Presence of land conflicts
Comment on presence of land conflicts
There are reports of pesticide use, impacts on food production, and water-related issues, resulting in territorial conflicts between the company and communities.
Comment on displacement of people
There are reports of families being expelled due to the expansion of eucalyptus cultivation and as a result of the intensive use of pesticides. According to Dubos Raoul and Almeida (2022: 54-55): "In 2000, Arapuá had 1,911 inhabitants, while in 2010, its population decreased to 1,697. Garcias had 2,301 inhabitants in 2000, and in 2010, it had only 2,070 inhabitants. In 2020, the population of Arapuá was estimated at 1,586, and that of Garcias at 1,967, representing, respectively, a loss of 17% for Arapuá and 15% for Garcias compared to the period 2000-2020." However, there is no estimate of how many people have been displaced.
Negative impacts for local communities
Environmental degradation, Displacement
Environmental degradation, Socio-economic, Cultural loss, Displacement
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
Since the pulp mills settled in Três Lagoas a decade ago, uncontrolled fires, decreased biodiversity, contamination of rivers and groundwater, rampant use of pesticides, and expulsion of local communities have become routine in the region. With the arrival of the company and the expansion of eucalyptus cultivation, rural schools are deserted, all surrounded by eucalyptus. Furthermore, previously, land use was for livestock farming, and the population obtained its income through this activity. Now there is no longer a market for this labor force. There are reports of families being expelled due to the expansion of eucalyptus cultivation and as a result of the intensive use of pesticides. There is a loss of socialization spaces. Another impact is the increase in land prices in the municipality.
Promised benefits for local communities
Comment on promised benefits for local communities
Job creation, which was not realized.
Former land owner
Community, Other
Comment on former land owner
Large farms for cattle ranching.
Former land use
Comment on former land use
Former land cover
In country processing of produce
Comment on in country processing of produce
to produce cellulose
To produce cellulose Eucalyptus is used for the production of cellulose and paper. The processing is currently carried out at the industrial plant located in the municipality of Três Lagoas. However, the construction of the factory in the municipality of Ribas do Rio Pardo is nearing completion.
Overall comment
calvareza: Numbers quoted are owned not by single companies but grouped by origin of the capital. They might be duplicated with “from the original matrix” numbers and distorts numeric results and analyzes. There is no way to verify if there is or isn´t duplication. All 3 cases are based on the article "Mais de 4 milhões de hectares nas mãos de estrangeiros ", by Lucio Vaz, in Correio Braziliense, June 2010. In short the source said, based in official data quoted by president Lula, that 4,3 million hectares in Brazil are is owned by foreigners (China, Japan, Europe, US, Korea and Arabic countries, for grain, cotton, sugar cane, eucalyptus for cellulose). Data are official, it means these investments may be immoral but not illegal. The newspaper article doen´t give any information that leads us to think that is land grabbing as we define it, nor if these land aquisition is recent or indicates capital flow from one region to another. Tricky… Import of error check - Reviewer's overview comment: As case number 756, with the same source, this one is problematic because information is not precise enough to be checked. In this cause, the investor's nationality is not indicated. The only information is the region: Ribas do Rio Pardo, in the Mato Grosso do Sul. Let me notice that the state of Mato Grosso is the domain of the new "soybean king" (in the place of Erai Maggi Scheffer, from Bom Futuro group): argentin enterprise El Tejar. It owns 150 000 ha in the state and rent other 150 000. See: the first source explain near over 51,000 hectares in foreigner hands producing cane and soy, but the most large case found is this one with 150,000 hectares of land in hands of Votorantim

Location #KSM2b7PL

Spatial accuracy level
Administrative region
Approximate location
Três Lagoas - Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Suzano S.A - Unidade Três Lagoas, Zona Rural - Fazenda Barra Do Moeda - Três Lagoas, MS, Brasil
Lat: -20.75985
Lng: -51.69508
Lat: -20.99568
Lng: -51.79497
The Três Lagoas region is significant in the expansion of eucalyptus cultivation in Brazil, especially in the early 21st century. Currently, two companies operate in the municipality: Suzano Papel e Celulose and Eldorado Brasil, both with processing facilities in Três Lagoas.

Data source #iD-Bo5oO

Comment on data source
It explains the land extension of Votorantim forestry activities.
It explains the land extension of Votorantim forestry activities. The original Url expired:

Data source #V046qCyn

Comment on data source
Web page is not available:

Data source #r1ls60OT

Media report
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Publication title
ONGs denunciam violações ambientais da Suzano e pedem veto a empréstimo bilionário
Isabel Harari
Repórter Brasil
Comment on data source
The relevant information for the Land Matrix is highlighted in yellow. The news provides information about the impacts caused by the company.

Data source #h3kYfous

Research Paper / Policy Report
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Publication title
A chegada do eucalipto no município de Três Lagoas (MS) na percepção dos moradores das comunidades rurais de Arapuá e Garcias: entre a sujeição e a resistência territorial
Marine Dubos Raoul and Rosemeire Aparecida de Almeida
Revista NERA
Comment on data source
The relevant information for the Land Matrix is highlighted in yellow.

Data source #RrBIQfof

Research Paper / Policy Report
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Publication title
Queimando a terra: Os impactos da expansão da indústria de celulose e papel na região de Três Lagoas – Brasil
Environmental Paper Network
Environmental Paper Network
Comment on data source
The important information is highlighted in yellow.

Data source #PWFIhUwD

Research Paper / Policy Report
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Publication title
Superexploração da força de trabalho, capitalismo dependente e agronegócio: um estudo da terceirização a partir da empresa Suzano Papel e Celulose em Três Lagoas/MS
André Luis Amorim de Oliveira
Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Comment on data source
The document provides information about labor exploitation.

Data source #V7CMT7E_

Research Paper / Policy Report
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Publication title
Considerações sobre a expansão da indústria de papel e celulose no Brasil a partir do caso da Suzano Papel e Celulose
Marta Inez Medeiros Marques
Revista GEOgraphia
Comment on data source
The document addresses the company's expansion in Três Lagoas.

Data source #WgWvgWDz

Government sources
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Publication title
Propriedades da Suzano Papel e Celulose no município de Três Lagoas
Sistema Nacional de Cadastro Rural (SNCR)
Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA)
Comment on data source
The National Rural Cadastre System, under the responsibility of the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform, is an official and constantly updated database. However, the database has limitations, namely: 1) it only considers properties bought by the company; 2) the data is self-declared by the owners, meaning there might be more properties.