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Deal #6578 Version #76175

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1. Data source #uzBf_se0

Media report
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Kasy hydropower project reaches completion The construction of Nam-sana hydropower dam project in Kasy district of Vientiane province has reached completion and will supply power to residents in the three districts of Kasy, Maed and Vangvieng. Provincial authorities recently held a ceremony to open the Namsana hydropower dam in Kasy district on Tuesday, which was attended by Minister of Energy and Mines, Mr Soulivong Daravong. The authorities reported that the Nam-sana hydropower dam has an installed capacity of 14 MW and is able to generate power of some 49,500,000 KWh per annum. Construction commenced in November 2011 and was completed in September 2014, at a cost of 240 billion kip, funded through a loan from the Krungthai Bank.

5. Data source #MEC_uoer

Comment on data source
Accessed 08/24/2020: Nam Sana Hydropower Plant is located in Kasi district, Vientine province, 7.5 km from Rd. 13 north. The Nam Sana Hydropower Plant is a run of river plant and 3 units with an installed capacity of 14 MW and average capacity of 4.69 MW per unit.