General info |
Land area |
Size under contract (leased or purchased area) | - [2009-10-26, current] 8094.0 ha
| - [2009-10-26, current] 8094 ha
Intention of investment |
Intention of investment | - [2009-10-26, current] Food crops (8094.0 ha)
| - [2009-10-26, current] Food crops (8094 ha)
Carbon offset project |
Nature of the deal |
Negotiation status |
Implementation status |
Purchase price |
Leasing fees |
Contract farming |
Employment |
Number of total jobs created |
Number of jobs for foreigners created |
Number of domestic jobs created |
Investor info |
Operating company |
Local communities / indigenous peoples |
Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected |
Recognition status of community land tenure |
Consultation of local community |
How did the community react? |
Presence of land conflicts |
Displacement of people |
Negative impacts for local communities |
Promised or received compensation |
Promised benefits for local communities |
Materialized benefits for local communities |
Presence of organizations and actions taken (e.g. farmer organizations, NGOs, etc.) |
Former use |
Former land owner (not by constitution) |
Former land use |
Former land cover |
Produce info |
Detailed crop, animal and mineral information |
Detailed contract farming crop and animal information |
Detailed electricity generation information |
Detailed carbon sequestration/offsetting information |
Use of produce |
In country processing of produce |
Water |
Water extraction envisaged |
Source of water extraction |
How much do investors pay for water and the use of water infrastructure? |
How much water is extracted? |
Gender-related info |
Any gender-specific information about the investment and its impacts |
Overall comment |
Overall comment |
Meta |
Fully updated |
Confidential |
Locations |
Data sources |
Data source #esy8wYAY |
File | | |
Data source #GeV3lt0p |
File | | |
Data source #co9k6zRo |
File | | |
Type | | |
Url | | |
Comment on data source | | URL link no longer works-
The attachment was broken. |
Contracts |