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Olam International Ltd #967

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General info

Olam International Ltd
Country of registration/origin
Stock-exchange listed company
Breedens Investments Pte. Ltd., an indirectly wholly owned subsidiary of Singapore-based investment company Temasek Holdings, have offered to acquire Olam International Limited for $2.1 billion cash in March 2014. Temasek did not acquire Olam, instead they took a 58% share. However in August 2015, Mitsubishi Corporation (Japan) acquired a 20% share in Olam (for S$915m), reducing Temasek's shares to 51%. S$915m gave Olam some "dry powder" to potentially make acquisitions during the current commodity slump. New shares were offered to Mitsubishi Corporation (Japan) in 2015, now Mitsubishi Corporation takes a 20% stake in the company. Temasek Holdings remains Olam’s majority shareholder with a 51.4% stake.