Deal #9884

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3. Data source #gyHI1nnT

Media report
Publication title
INDONESIA PRESS-Astra Agro acquires 100 pct shares in Palma Plantasindo -Investor Daily
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'PT Astra Agro Lestari, the plantation unit of PT Astra International, acquired a 100 percent stake in East Kalimantan-based oil palm plantation firm PT Palma Plantasindo, worth 309 billion rupiah ($26.88 million), on July 15, the company said. Palma Plantasindo holds land concessions totalling 10,000 hectares in East Kalimantan. (Investor Daily)'

4. Data source #SmF_Ockn

Media report
Publication title
PT Palma Platasindo Kerjasama Kemitraan Kebun Plasma
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"As an oil palm company that prioritizes the principles of sustainable oil palm plantation management and is also in line with the mandate of the law and government policy which states that companies engaged in oil palm plantations are expected to be able to carry out partnership activities with the surrounding community. This principle is applied by PT Palma Plantasindo to 430 heads of families (KK) of oil palm farmers in a number of villages in the company area which are members of the Sungebatu Sejahtera Sawit Cooperative, Sunge Batu Village, Pasir Belengkong District. Marking this partnership, Monday (14/10) at the Sunge Batu Village meeting hall, a conversion of the plasma plantation system by PT Palma Plantasindo operator to the Sungebatu Sejahtera Sawit Cooperative was held."