Deal #9544

Created at
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Last full update

Detailed electricity generation information

Electricity generation
  • [2023] On-shore wind turbines
    Number of turbines: 20 Currently installed capacity: 100 MW Intended capacity: 220 MW
  • [2023] On-shore wind turbines
    Number of turbines: 30 Currently installed capacity: 150 MW Intended capacity: 220 MW
  • [2023] On-shore wind turbines
    Number of turbines: 38 Currently installed capacity: 189 MW Intended capacity: 220 MW
  • [2023-10-10, current] On-shore wind turbines
    Number of turbines: 41 Currently installed capacity: 206 MW Intended capacity: 220 MW
Comment on electricity generation
The Project is divided into several companies, each assigned to a separate sub-project: Borey Energo LLP (Borey) – 20 wind turbines; Energo Trust LLP (Energo Trust) – 10 wind turbines; Sofievskaya Wind Power Plant LLP (Sofievskaya) – 8 wind turbines; Arkalyk Wind Power Plant LL (Arkalyk) – 3 wind turbines, and Jasyl Jel Energy (JJE) – 3 wind turbines.