Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #9533

Deal #9533 Version #87400

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Land area

Size under contract (leased or purchased area)
  • [current] 400 ha
Size in operation (production)
  • [current] 250 ha
Comment on land area
two-thirds of the contracted area is cultivated as vineyards ( 250 ha), 140 ha has yet to be planted to vine.

Intention of investment

Intention of investment
  • [current] Food crops
Comment on intention of investment
viticulture and winemaking

Nature of the deal

Nature of the deal
Outright purchase
Comment on nature of the deal
the operating company holds freehold title to all its winery and vineyard asset

Negotiation status

Negotiation status
  • Concluded (Contract signed)
  • [2011] Concluded (Change of ownership)
  • [2011, current] Concluded (Contract signed)
Comment on negotiation status
French beverage group Pernod Ricard bought a majority stake of GWS in 1997-199. In 2011, Pernod Ricard sold GWS to Marussia Beverages

Contract farming

Contract farming
Not on leased / purchased (out-grower)
Comment on contract farming
"GWS purchases 70% of its grape from outside growers, which in 2013 represented payments of GEL 5 million to small and medium sized farmers in the Alazani and Iori Valleys for 5,600 tons of grape. Depending on yield, quality and variety, GWS’s annual purchases from smallholders range from GEL2,500-GEL16,000 per hectare"