Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #9495

Deal #9495 Version #91840

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Detailed electricity generation information

Electricity generation
  • [2018-05-25, current] Solar (Photovoltaic) 42.35 ha 0 %
    Currently installed capacity: 68.8 MW Intended capacity: 68.8 MW
  • [2019-04-19, current] Solar (Photovoltaic) 39.22 ha 0 %
    Currently installed capacity: 50 MW Intended capacity: 50 MW
Comment on electricity generation
68 MW capacity is TTC Solar Power Project No.01 & 50 MW capacity is TTC solar power project No.02. Voetma, Electivity (EVN) has been idenetified as the purchaser of the money

Use of produce

Has domestic use
Domestic use
100 %
Comment on use of produce
The plant provides the national electricity system with an electricity output of about 106 million kWh per year, meeting the energy demand of about 87,347 households and reducing CO2 emissions by about 85.45 tonnes per year by the installation of 208,500 solar panels, each with a capacity of 330W.