Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #9492

Deal #9492 Version #88323

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected

Name of community
Cham H'roi group
Name of indigenous people
Cham H'roi
Comment on communities / indigenous peoples affected
The company completed the compensation and support to relocate the graveyard of eight (8) Cham H'roi people amounting to VND 690,000,000; provided livelihood and community development programs; and culturally appropriate engagement (Tet Holiday)

Recognition status of community land tenure

Recognition status of community land tenure
Indigenous Peoples traditional or customary rights recognized by government, Community traditional or customary rights recognized by government

Consultation of local community

Community consultation
Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)
Comment on consultation of local community
Hoa Hoi solar power project is a project with land acquisition, including payment of compensation and land registration which was undertake from May 2018-2019. The government-led land resumption process, including payment of the compensation and land registration was undertaken from May 2018-2019.

How did the community react?

Community reaction
Comment on community reaction
PLANT AREA: by the time the plant was put into operation (June 2019), all compensation has been completed, from that time to the present time there has been no lawsuit filed by households in terms of numbers compenstaion has been received, as well as a livelihood support program fro households affected by land acquisition. TRANSMISSION LINE: From May 2018 - February 2019, all affected households already recieved payment from TIPPY's subcontractor (ACIT) without any complaints

Promised or received compensation

Promised compensation (e.g. for damages or resettlements)
payment compenstaion and land registration

Promised benefits for local communities

Promised benefits for local communities
Health, Capacity building, Financial support, Other

Materialized benefits for local communities

Materialized benefits for local communities
Financial support, Community shares in the investment project
Comment on materialized benefits for local communities
PLANT AREA: by the time the plant was put into operation (June 2019), all compensation has been completed, from that time to the present time there has been no lawsuit filed by households in terms of numbers compenstaion has been received, as well as a livelihood support program fro households affected by land acquisition. TRANSMISSION LINE: From May 2018 - February 2019, all affected households already recieved payment from TIPPY's subcontractor (ACIT) without any complaints