1. Location #N96JXd7V
Spatial accuracy level
Administrative region
Andoung Meas, Campuchia
Lat: 13.86729
Lng: 107.29767
Ratanakiri province has one of the largest populations of indigenous peoples in Cambodia. Many of the economic land concessions that have been granted throughout the province overlap with land traditionally possessed by indigenous communities.
The Cambodian province of Ratanakiri is at once a remote, sleepy wilderness, and an important geographic nexus of three rapidly developing countries. Sparsely populated, Ratanakiri is home to eight indigenous groups, who have maintained many aspects of their distinct traditions, cultural identity, and way of life through Cambodia’s turbulent history. Ratanakiri’s total population was
150,466 in 2008 (official census data), over half belonging to an ethnic minority (non-ethnic Khmer) group (Moul and Seng, 2012).
- Ratanakiri is today a hub of cross-border economic activity within the tripartite Development Triangle