Deal #8753

Côte d'Ivoire
Created at
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Last full update

Consultation of local community

Community consultation
Limited consultation

Presence of land conflicts

Presence of land conflicts
Comment on presence of land conflicts
The relationship between the communities and Ity Mine (which started operation in 1991) has historically not been good. The current mine owner Endeavour claims it has since entered into more engagement initiatives with the local communities.

Displacement of people

Displacement of people
Number of people actually displaced
1 000
Comment on displacement of people
The villages near the Gbéitouo and Daapleu deposits are Daapleu village, which includes several hamlets, and Kouizonpleu village. A resettlement action plan (“RAP”) was completed in October 2015 and the affected households (about 1,000 people) were relocated to a new resettlement village constructed near Kouizonpleu in 2018. The new village has a community centre, a school, and housing units for teachers. In addition, water wells and solar streetlights were installed in the new and host villages. A market-place was also established for these villages. A resettlement committee was constituted to input to the development of the RAP and monitor its implementation. The committee includes representatives of the people affected by the project, representatives of the host communities, as well as the regional construction department (Bloléquin) and the regional public administration (prefect and sub-prefect of Bloléquin). On the other side of the river: Ity village is new, it was established in 2007 and hosts the people who were relocated from the Ity mine site.

Negative impacts for local communities

Negative impacts for local communities
Environmental degradation, Socio-economic, Displacement

Promised or received compensation

Received compensation (e.g. for damages or resettlements)
The new village has a community centre, a school, and housing units for teachers. In addition, water wells and solar streetlights were installed in the new and host villages. A market-place was also established for these villages.

Promised benefits for local communities

Comment on promised benefits for local communities
By law, the company must contribute to a community development fund annually, the contributions should be based on 0.5% of the turnover from the previous year;