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Deal #8735 Version #84016

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Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected

Name of community
Comunidade Tradicional de Fecho e Fundo de Pasto Fazenda Quina,
Comunidade Tradicional de Fecho e Fundo de Pasto de Belas
Name of indigenous people
Comunidade Tradicional de Fecho e Fundo de Pasto Borda da Mata
Comment on communities / indigenous peoples affected
According to the location in relation to these developments, there are three types of impacts caused to the communities: 1. Directly Affected Area (ADA): corresponds to the area necessary for the implementation of the project, including its support structures, private access roads that need to be built, expanded or renovated, as well as all other unitary operations associated exclusively with the project's infrastructure - in the case of the Morrinhos wind farm, the territory of the collective area of ​​the traditional communities of Fecho and Fundo de Pasto de Belas and Fazenda Quina are in the Directly Affected Area (ADA). The Traditional Community of Fazenda Quina's is the main community affected by the project, since it is located in the polygonal area considered as ADA, due to its proximity to one of the Sertão Energias Renováveis ​​S.A. park that are part of the Morrinho Wind Complex according to the measurements made through studies by the company Electric Consultoria, in a technical report proves that the location of the no. Available at: Accessed on: 24 May. 2021. (Information located on page 66-67 of Annex 01). 2. Area of Direct Influence (AID): geographical area directly affected by the impacts arising from the project and corresponds to the contiguous and expanded territorial space of the ADA, and as this, it should suffer impacts. In the case of the Morrinhos wind farm, the “Simplified Environmental Report (RAS) elaborated at the stage of the project's location, considered that the communities located within 200 meters of the Morrinhos Wind Farm's external access road, are part of the area of influence right (AID), however the following communities were considered: Torrões, Brejo Grande, Campinhos 1, Campinhos 2, Barreiros, Barreiros, Santo Antônio, Queimada da Laje, Belas, Ilhote, Baixão, Varzinha, Tanque Novo, Poços, Lagoa do Mato and Fazenda Poços ”Available at: Accessed on: 24 May. 2021. (Information located on page 68, Annex 01). 3. Area of ​​Indirect Influence (AII): corresponds to the “territory that is affected by the enterprise, but in which the impacts and effects resulting from the enterprise are considered less significant than in the territories of the other two areas of influence (ADA and AID). In this area, the analytical objective is to provide an evaluation of the regional insertion of the enterprise considered within a radius of 3 km from each margin of the external access road, in order to verify and monitor the possible occurrence of erosion processes, interference due to noise, particulate matter and fauna migration, resulting from the passage of vehicles used to implement the wind turbines. In the case of the Morrinho Wind Complex, the areas of indirect influence (AII) comprise the communities of Campo Frio, Lajedo Raso, Tiquara, Baixa do Umbuzeiro, Malhadas and Água dos Pássaros for the socioeconomic environment. Available at: Accessed on: 24 May. 2021. (Information located on page 68 of Annex 01).

Recognition status of community land tenure

Recognition status of community land tenure
Community traditional or customary rights recognized by government
Comment on recognition status of community land tenure
The Comunidades Tradicionais de Fecho e Fundo de Pasto are legally recognized as traditional peoples by Decree no. 6,040, of February 7, 2007, which institutes the National Policy for the Sustainable Development of Traditional Peoples and Communities. The main characteristic of the pasture fund is the coexistence of areas for individual use and areas for collective use. In other words, there is the use of part of the land individually (housing, raising small animals and growing fruit trees) and also the collective use for the creation of animals.

Negative impacts for local communities

Negative impacts for local communities
Environmental degradation, Socio-economic, Cultural loss
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
The impacts on local communities are multiple, being direct and indirect, in the short and long term. - Physical environment: Alteration in the local landscape, pollution of soil and surface and underground water resources, erosion, silting and instability of the bank, changes in local relief. In view of the process of suppression of vegetation, the landscape at the top of the hill was totally altered. Available at: Accessed on: 24 May. 2021. (Information located on page 80 of Annex 01). He realizes that there has been a major change in the physical environment of the place, making it clear that any action caused by human beings to the environment with such relevant consequences. in view of the dimensioned question, there is no way of avoiding emphasizing the socio-environmental impact caused by the communities neighboring the Morrinho Eolic complexes, since the same terrain that coexists with another landscape, artificial for at least what the 39-year assignment contract says. This means that the current generation of the community for the most part will not have their natural landscape back. Available at: Accessed on: 24 May. 2021. (Information located on page 81 of Annex 01). - Biotic environment: Loss of vegetated area and associated biodiversity, fragment and loss of habitats, elimination of representatives of wild fauna due to being run over, alteration of the fauna and flora relationship, loss of native plant communities, accidents with species of bats, accidents with species of migratory birds - Barrier Effect. Available at: Accessed on: 24 May. 2021. (Information located on page 81 of Annex 01). Side effect of this change will be in the reaction of the polygonal fauna of the wind farms. There is an example of feline species, which will move away from the region where they live, will probably approach communities and attack domestic animals, causing losses especially in the creation of goats or calves, according to residents of the Fazenda Quina, Belas, Borda da Mata communities. Available at: Accessed on: 24 May. 2021. (Information located on page 81-82 of Annex 01). Suppression of native vegetation, especially the Caatinga. There are species threatened with extinction in the location where the Morrinhos Wind Complex is installed, which may increase the risk of extinction. - Community impacts: Noises: constant noises caused by the wind turbines; Particle emission (dust): report of loss in plantations located on the margins of the access roads used by the company; Shading: possible shading effects caused by the Ventos do Sertão Wind Farm in the Traditional Community of Fazenda Quina. The study showed that a large part of the houses in the Fazenda Quina Community, especially those on the west face, would be subject to shading higher than the IFC limit of 30 hours / year taking into account the results of the worst case scenario, with such an effect occurring predominantly between 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm, with variations depending on the wind turbine that causes shading and the time of year. He pointed out that of the 15 wind turbines that are part of the Ventos do Sertão Wind Farm, the greatest contributions to the shading effect are due to wind turbines number 09, 10.11, which are closest to the residences of the community in question. Available at: Accessed on: 24 May. 2021. (Information located on page 78 of Annex 01). - Impacts on the socioeconomic environment: there is real estate speculation. According to the Register of State Forestry of Rural Property, of the areas covered by the Morrinhos Wind Complex where of the total of 2,473.70 ha, only 24.2% belongs to local communities, the rest is on behalf of natural persons from the states of Ceará, in view of this fact observed in the research, it leads to our understanding that a new wave of land grabbing appears in the traditional communities of Fundo and Fecho de Pasto. Available at: Accessed on: 24 May. 2021. (Information located on page 82 of Annex 01). Noise pollution, air pollution, increased traffic in the area, increased risk of traffic accidents, limited land use and production activities, effects on the landscape. However, it must be said that traditional grassland communities suffer very serious interference from the implantation of wind farms, whether of a social, cultural or environmental nature, a fact that is perceived in this study carried out in the communities surrounding the Morrinhos Wind Farm.

Promised or received compensation

Promised compensation (e.g. for damages or resettlements)
There are reports that in the phase of implantation of the wind farm, the concessionaires create in the communities of ADA, AII, a false expectation, through the social policy program aimed at the communities, however this program only lasts during the period of installation of the enterprise, a fact that creates the false expectation of the communities. Available at: Accessed on: 24 May. 2021. (Information located on page 82 of Annex 01).

Presence of organizations and actions taken (e.g. farmer organizations, NGOs, etc.)

Presence of organizations and actions taken (e.g. farmer organizations, NGOs, etc.)
Articulação Estadual das Comunidades Tradicionais de Fundo e Fecho de Pasto and Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT)