Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #8261

Deal #8261 Version #82883

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Number of domestic jobs created

Jobs created (domestic)
Planned number of jobs (domestic)
5 000 jobs
Planned daily/seasonal workers (domestic)
5 000 workers
Current domestic number of jobs/employees/ daily/seasonal workers
  • [2014-06-24, current] 378 employees 1198 workers
Comment on jobs created (domestic)
In 2014, the company laid off 1200 employees including farm and utility workers and security guards. An estimated 15,000 workers will be employed as sugarcane workers.[3] However, a press release of one of the partner corporations behind the project says that the total continuous jobs created in the area will only number 3000 reported last 2017.