Deal #809

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Operating Company

Operating company
Name of investment project
Mandé Norte
Comment on investment chain
The MMC is located in Denver, Colorado. It is owned by the Julliand family, who owns other mining companies and are present in various countries (like the Goldplata Ressources and its subsidiary the Goldplata Colombia). Since 2005, the MMC formed a jointventure with the giant world mining company Rio Tinto. The MMC seems to have used typical colonial tacticals toestablish itself in the indigenous reserve (as distriubting goods and money, co-opting leaders, making sign documents, etc.). According to the Agencia Nacional Minera, the contracts H6196 an H6197 are managed by La Muriel Mining Company and Rio Tinto Colombia. On June 30, 2021, La Muriel Mining Corporation ceded its mining rights to Exploraciones La Rica SAS (formerly, Minera Cobre de Colombia SAS)
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