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Deal #7858 Version #81404

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3. Data source #1I7zq031

Company sources
Publication title
Registration Statement (Form 69-DEBT-II&HNW) and Draft Prospectus
Comment on data source
This Fact Sheet is a part of the Registration Statement and the Prospectus which is only a summary of offering information, characteristics and risks of the securities offered and relating to the securities issuer ("NN2PC", the "Company" or the "Issuer"). Investors shall carefully and thoroughly read and study information in details from the full Prospectus before making an investment decision. Investors may request for the full Prospectus from the Joint Lead Arrangers and the Company, or may study the information in the Registration Statement and the Draft Prospectus submitted to the Office of the Securities Exchange Commission (the "Office of the SEC") on its website.

5. Data source #alGtwDDq

Research Paper / Policy Report
Publication title
Thailand’s Commercial Banks’ Role in Financing Dams in Laos and the Case for Sustainable Banking

7. Data source #pXhlMMH7

Company sources
Publication title
Nam Ngum 2 Hydroelectric Power Project, Lao PDR
Comment on data source
Nam Ngum 2 Hydroelectric Power Project is located at Baan Huay Bor, Vientiane. The project was constructed, managed, and supported by a group of Thai investors focused on GMS market. The concrete faced rockfill dam of 181 m in height, and 485 m in length will be built in a steep narrow gorge creating a reservoir of 6,774 Mm3 capacities at the full supply level of 375 msl., and a power house installed with a 615 MW capacity. Three generators with an annual capacity of 2,218 GWh of electricity will be installed. The electricity will be exported to Thailand via the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, thus boosting the economy of Lao PDR. The consultants were assigned with the tasks of detailed design, construction supervision, implementation of the environmental management and resettlement action plans for the relocation of about 6,100 ethnic minorities from 17 villages, preparing application for license from the Lao Government, resettlement plan and implementation, as well as environmental management, and job training and development for the new communities.

8. Data source #OU8IhgFp

Media report
Publication title
Nam Ngum 2 dam displaced over 6,000 ethnic minorities in Vientiane, Lao PDR
Comment on data source
This article provided information added on Local communities / indigenous peoples under Negative impacts for local communities and Comment on negative impacts for local communities.

9. Data source #ffqoZLWj

Media report
Publication title
Nam Ngum 2 Power Hydroelectric Power Plantwas awarded the Government Medal from The Minister of Energy and Mines of the Lao PDR
Comment on data source
This article provided information added on Local communities / indigenous peoples under Promised benefits for local communities and Comment on promised benefits for local communities.