Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #773

Deal #773 Version #49259

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Operating Company

Operating company
Comment on investment chain
The structure of Agrifirma's capital is complex and changing. According to the source, Agrifirma is part of (Lord) Jacob Rothschild's agricultural empire. According to the website of Agrifirma, on 31/08/11, Brasil Agronegocio FIP acquired a majority controlling shareholding in Agrifirma, which would have become a brazilian-controlled company. Brasil Agronegocio FIP is a private equity fund management fund managed by BRZ Investimentos. Genagro Ltd has founded and financed Agrifirma and remains a minority shareholder. This operation will accelerate the "land transformation programme". Agrifirma Brazil will change its name to Genagro Ltd. There is the project to acquire 27 000 ha more. The same communiqué says that "Agrifirma Brazil's investors include RIT Capital Partners plc and other Lord Rothschild interests".
Network of parent companies and tertiary investors/lenders
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