Deal #7691
Created at
Last update
Last full update
Land area
Size under contract (leased or purchased area)
- [2008, current] 4609.8 ha
Comment on land area
The land bank of the operating company is the total amount of land acquired in 2008.
Many deals formed only by the reported info. No information on separate deals is available.
The Company initiated a pilot project for consolidation of land in December 2008 in the village of Katunets, Lovech district on an area of 7000 ha agriland.
Generally, as of 30.11.2024, the company owns 18196 ha of agricultural land and it is the largest public company owner of farmland in the country.
Intention of investment
Intention of investment
- [current] Land speculation, Other
Comment on intention of investment
As of 2020, number of farmers secured with land for cultivation - 441.
The Fund sells and acquires land frequently.
As of 2024, the company leased 15251 ha to 369 farmers.
As of 2024, total acquired farmland since foundation 53 620 ha versus 35 500 ha total sold.
Nature of the deal
Nature of the deal
Outright purchase
Comment on nature of the deal
As of the end of December 2008 Advance TerraFund REIT has signed rental contracts for 15 160 ha of agricultural land.
Negotiation status
Negotiation status
- [2008, current] Concluded (Contract signed)
Implementation status
Implementation status
- [2008, current] In operation (production)
Leasing fees
Comment on leasing fee
The new contracts in 2008 are at an average rental of about 20 BGN/dca (102 EUR/ha).