Deal #7654

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Detailed crop, animal and mineral information

Crops area/yield/export
  • Rice (hybrid) [current]
  • Corn (Maize) [current]
  • Peas [current]
  • Buckwheat [current]
  • Soya Beans [current]
Comment on crops
The Memorandum of Understanding stipulates that the operation concerns 60,000 ha of land in Lower Mangoky where 350,000 t of rice, 200,000 t of maize, 150,000 t of wheat, 300,000 t of soybeans, 20,000 t of cape peas and 30,000 t of groundnuts.

Use of produce

Has domestic use
Domestic use
70 %
Has export
Comment on use of produce
The products they produce are 70% are sold at a reasonable price in the domestic market and 30% is given by them free by malagasy state All this production wil be purchased by the state, at a price not yet specified, to supply both the local market (foodself-sufficiency) and the rest of the East African sub-region.