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Deal #7629 Version #80503

Created at
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Last full update

Former land owner (not by constitution)

Former land owner

Former land use

Former land use
Shifting cultivation, Hunting/Gathering, Forestry
Comment on former land use
Shifting agriculture is the primary activity in the villages with women carrying out planting, weeding and harvesting and men, land clearing. Hunting is another important activity for households, practiced by men, and taking place throughout customary territories extending into the forested areas. Fishing is an important source of protein in the villages. Artisanal logging is rarely practiced by communities Families with customary land rights believe that they have ownership over forest territories and therefore the right to log commercial trees. The prevalent practice is to invite loggers from outside the villages to do this work in exchange for cash and timber products for building.

Former land cover

Former land cover
Forest land, Shrub land/Grassland (Rangeland)
Comment on former land cover
It is located in the forest-savannah transition region of southern Gabon, in one of the two savannah fingers reaching northwards into Gabon from the Republic of Congo