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Deal #761 Version #49182

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calvareza: Numbers quoted are owned not by single companies but grouped by origin of the capital. They might be duplicated with “from the original matrix” numbers and distorts numeric results and analyzes. There is no way to verify if there is or isn´t duplication. All 3 cases are based on the article "Mais de 4 milhões de hectares nas mãos de estrangeiros ", by Lucio Vaz, in Correio Braziliense, June 2010. In short the source said, based in official data quoted by president Lula, that 4,3 million hectares in Brazil are is owned by foreigners (China, Japan, Europe, US, Korea and Arabic countries, for grain, cotton, sugar cane, eucalyptus for cellulose). Data are official, it means these investments may be immoral but not illegal. The newspaper article doen´t give any information that leads us to think that is land grabbing as we define it, nor if these land aquisition is recent or indicates capital flow from one region to another. Tricky… Import of error check - Reviewer's overview comment: As case number 756, with the same source, this one is problematic because information is not precise enough to be checked. In this cause, the investor's nationality is not indicated. The only information is the region: Ribas do Rio Pardo, in the Mato Grosso do Sul. Let me notice that the state of Mato Grosso is the domain of the new "soybean king" (in the place of Erai Maggi Scheffer, from Bom Futuro group): argentin enterprise El Tejar. It owns 150 000 ha in the state and rent other 150 000. See: the first source explain near over 51,000 hectares in foreigner hands producing cane and soy, but the most large case found is this one with 150,000 hectares of land in hands of Votorantim