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Deal #7432 Version #79607

Burkina Faso
Created at
Last update
Last full update

Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected

Name of indigenous people
Comment on communities / indigenous peoples affected
The project site directly affects parts of the communities of Boungou (administrative village since 2012), and Natongou and Tambouangou (two hamlets officially administered by the village of Tatiangou). Surrounding communities are located: to the north, the village of Toabili (or Tawori, in Moore), where Birimian’s exploration camp is located; to the northwest, the village of Kodjini; to the west, the hamlet of Takondibagou, pertaining to the village of Samtangou; to the south, by the village of Tatiangou. The population of the project area is comprised of “locals”, that are Gourmantché, and migrants predominantly composed of Mossi and Fulani.

Consultation of local community

Community consultation
Limited consultation
Comment on consultation of local community
Since the acquisition of the project, many initiatives have been undertaken by Birimian to inform and consult with affected communities as part of the project preparation. These initiatives include: • Establishment of a permanent team for environmental and community relations. • Establishment of a grievance mechanism procedure. • Participatory identification of potential community investment projects (School, donations, supplies, sports activities, water wells, solar panels, toilettes, road maintenance) through community meetings conducted by the SEMAFO Foundation. • Several ad hoc meetings with authorities and other stakeholders. • Local committee to inform stakeholders of project progress including discussion with existing artisanal miners.

Displacement of people

Displacement of people
Comment on displacement of people
The Project will require the relocation of 165 concessions involving 900 inhabitants and compensation will be paid for 813 Ha of farmland. The current PAR budget is estimated at USD 7.4M, or approximately USD 8 M when including contingencies.

Promised or received compensation

Promised compensation (e.g. for damages or resettlements)
For the farmlands, in-kind (grains) and cash compensation over 5 years, based on the value of a basket of harvested products, as established from the average yields and market values compiled by the local branch of the Ministry of Agriculture for the area, and the surface area of the parcel, as recorded during the field study.