Deal #7184

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Water extraction envisaged

Water extraction envisaged
Comment on water extraction envisaged
Permission for special water use №55 / ХМ / 49д-20 dated 23.04.2020. Permission for special water use №292/ВН/49д-21 from 27/08/2021 to 27/08/2026 for drinking and sanitary, production needs.

Source of water extraction

Source of water extraction
Groundwater, Surface water, River
Comment on source of water extraction
Water intake limit: from the surface source - 4 000 m3, from underground sources - 4 500 m3. Surface water intake from the Stanislavchytsia reservoir with an area of 95.2963 ha, Brailov Reservoir with an area of 60.00; river Strum, river Vazluy, river Murafa, river Zhvan, river Karaets, river Lyadova, river Nemya,

How much water is extracted?

Comment on how much water is extracted
Needs: for drinking and sanitary needs, for production needs. water_extraction_amount=8 500