Deal #7174
Created at
Last update
Last full update
Detailed crop, animal and mineral information
Crops area/yield/export
- Sun Flower [2018]
- Soya Beans [2018]
- Rapeseed [2018]
- Wheat [2018]
- Wheat [2021, current]
- Rapeseed [2021, current]
- Sun Flower [2021, current]
- Sugar beet [2021, current]
- Herbs (unspecified) [2021, current]
Comment on crops
In 2021, the company also managed to collect 533,669 tons corn for grain and 84,388 tons corn for silage.
Use of produce
Has export
Country 1
British Virgin Islands
Country 1 ratio
60 %
Country 2
United Arab Emirates
Country 2 ratio
40 %
Comment on use of produce
According to the information from website YouControl: 2018 - 100% export was to British Virgin Islands. 2019 - 60% to British Virgin Islands, 40% - to United Areb Emirates. Export items: corn, rapeseeds, beans, wheat.
In country processing of produce
In country processing of produce
Processing facilities / production infrastructure of the project (e.g. oil mill, ethanol distillery, biomass power plant etc.)
18 plant branches. 13 livestock branches. Grain storage, drying, cleaning, construction crew, etc