Version 78054 Version 78055
Size in operation (production)
  • [2018, current] 618.0 ha
  • [2013] 300.0 ha
Intention of investment
  • [current] Food crops
  • [current] Food crops (618.0 ha)
Comment on nature of the deal
Each of the landowners agreed to contribute their land to the cooperative which has entered a management contract with AgriCane.
Comment on negotiation status
The cooperative was formed in 2011
Implementation status
  • [current] In operation (production)
  • [2013, current] In operation (production)
Comment on implementation status
First sugar cane harvest in 2013
Comment on jobs created (domestic)
Phata Cooperative has employed more people in the local villages to harvest sugar cane.
Community consultation
Comment on consultation of local community
The community smallholders decided to form a cooperative and engage with a management company.
Community reaction
Promised benefits for local communities
Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...), Capacity building, Community shares in the investment project
Comment on promised benefits for local communities
The smallholders own the land and have received financial support from a number of organisations as well as training.
Materialized benefits for local communities
Education, Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...), Capacity building, Community shares in the investment project
Former land owner
Comment on former land owner
The land is still owned by the smallholder.
Former land use
Smallholder agriculture
Former land cover
Comment on former land cover
The smallholders engaged in crop production such as cotton. But, they struggled because of erratic rainfall and drought.
Crops area/yield/export
  • Sugar Cane [current]
  • Sugar Cane [2020, current] 618.0 ha
Comment on crops
The cooperative also grows maize, beans, vegetables and fruit trees.
Comment on livestock
The cooperative has built 10 fish ponds.
In country processing of produce
Comment on in country processing of produce
The cooperative supplies the nearby Illovo sugar factory on a long-term supply contract.
Source of water extraction
Surface water, River
Comment on source of water extraction
Shire river
Comment on use of irrigation infrastructure
Pivot installed with the financial assistance of AgDevCo and others.
Comment on gender-related info
40% of outgrowers are women.
456 of the 1110 farmers are female
Overall comment
No change of land rights.

Location #DNqP145F

Spatial accuracy level
Approximate location
Exact location
Chikwawa, Malawi
M1, Malawi
Lat: -16.04378
Lng: 34.80169
Lat: -16.05107
Lng: 34.82104
The cooperative is situated in Chikwawa district along M1 Road, a few kilometres away from Illovo Nchalo sugarcane estate in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Maseya

Data source #MEer98O_

unknown field
Company sources
Keep PDF not public
Publication title
Phata Sugar Cooperative
Includes in-country-verified information
Comment on data source
You Tube video

Data source #Oyh0ovCT

unknown field
Company sources
Keep PDF not public
Comment on data source
Cooperative website