Version 77788 Version 77789
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The company is also involved in a mango seedling project.
to help mining communities to reclaim lands and provide alternative means of livelihood for illegal miners. The company is also involved in a mango seedling project.
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Location #kadFTKS5

The company’s headquarters is at Kwabenya in Accra with several active production field outlets currently located at: Agona Swedru, Dunkwa / Ayanfuri in the Central Region, Kete Krachi in the West Krachi District, Dambai in East Krachi District, Chindere in Krachi Nchumuru District, Kpasa in the Nkwanta North District and Nkwanta in the Nkwanta South District all in the Volta Region
Launching the Project at Dunkwa on Offin in the Upper Denkyira East Municipality on the Central Region, it would be extended to other mining communities in the Ashanti, Eastern and Western regions. The company’s headquarters is at Kwabenya in Accra with several active production field outlets currently located at: Agona Swedru, Dunkwa / Ayanfuri in the Central Region, Kete Krachi in the West Krachi District, Dambai in East Krachi District, Chindere in Krachi Nchumuru District, Kpasa in the Nkwanta North District and Nkwanta in the Nkwanta South District all in the Volta Region

Data source #EyQJdY6v

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Minister launches 2019 Oil Palm Plantation Project
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Business Ghana