Deal #6616
Russian Federation
Created at
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Last full update
Detailed crop, animal and mineral information
Crops area/yield/export
- Barley, Rapeseed, Wheat [current]
Comment on crops
In 2013, for yields of more than 50 c / ha. In wheat in the Pskov region, yields are also 75 c / ha. In the Luga region, more than 35 c / ha.
Livestock area/yield/export
- Pork [current]
In country processing of produce
Processing facilities / production infrastructure of the project (e.g. oil mill, ethanol distillery, biomass power plant etc.)
1) An object on the purification of the liquid manure fraction; 2) Using NEFCO's loan, Rurik Agro built a sealed lagoon with membrane coating; according to the evaluation of NEFCO, the new lagoons allow to save about 230 thousand m3 of water annually