Deal #6598

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Inclusive Development International (IDI) together with International Rivers, Mekong Watch, GongGam Human Rights Law Foundation, PeaceMomo, Korean Civil Society Task Force on Xe Pian, Project Sevana followed the money behind the Xe Pian-Xe Namnoy project to determine who must be held accountable for the disaster and for ensuring that the victims receive redress. Our investigations revealed that the dam’s developers had taken out $50 million in liability insurance, which should be paid promptly to the victims. IDI also partnered with International Rivers to create a campaign website ( to help mobilize members of the public from around the world to communicate directly with the entities responsible for the disaster and urge them to meet their human rights responsibilities to the victims. Now that the insurers have paid the Lao government $50 million in liability insurance, we are maintaining the pressure to make sure the funds fairly reach the impacted communities. Source: IDI website