Deal #6586

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Land area

Intended size
9 846 ha
Comment on land area
Another source reported that Sithandone SEZ will cover an area of more than 9,846 hectares and it will have its own airport. Source: Future Southeast Asia

Intention of investment

Intention of investment
  • [2015-01-01, current] Tourism (7000 ha)
Comment on intention of investment
Khonphapheng Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

Nature of the deal

Nature of the deal

Negotiation status

Negotiation status
  • [2015-01-01] Intended (Memorandum of understanding)
  • [2017-08-01] Intended (Memorandum of understanding)
  • [2018-01-01] Intended (Under negotiation)
  • [2018-10-01, current] Concluded (Contract signed)
Comment on negotiation status
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the government and the Guangdong Yellow River Industrial Group in August 2017 allowing the company to conduct a feasibility study for the development as well as project designs. When this MoU ended and the company presented the results of the study, the provincial government approved but, as of January 2018, the company is still waiting for approval from the national government. In October 2018, The master plan of this SEZ highlighted a number of tall buildings that will serve as hotels, restaurants, a shopping center and other tourism-related businesses. In the first phase of the project (2018-2025), the company will focus on building the necessary infrastructure, including roads, water supply and drainage. The second phase may include an airport. [Source: People’s Daily]

Implementation status

Implementation status
  • [2018-10-01, current] Project not started
Comment on implementation status
According to the strategic agreement between the Laos authorities and the mainland contractor, the SEZ will be built in two phases, with the first scheduled to be completed by 2025. This initial stage will focus on ensuring all the zone's required infrastructure is in place, including roads, utilities and drainage facilities. As the news reported by March 2021, the source said that Sithandone SEZ has already completed 21 villas as part of a resort complex, a new hotel building, an after-sales service center, as well as the 43-km concrete ring road around Don Khong. [Source: Laotian Times] The second phase will then involve the construction of the actual on-site commercial properties, including several restaurants, a shopping centre and range of other tourism-related businesses. Over the long-term, there are also plans in place to construct a dedicated air-transport facility.