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Deal #6528 Version #75976

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3. Data source #ZvVH9jCV

Media report
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Vientiane Times report from 16/06/2014: " Nam Khan 3 Hydropower Project in Xiengngeun district has now reached 35 percent completion after constructions began more than a year ago. Project Manager Mr Souliya Phothitay told Vientiane Times last week that the project had already relocated two villages of more than 100 families with ten villages to be impacted, 655 families would be relocated to a settlement area. The area would be located close to the district's town with facilities such as educational institutions, health services and electricity, he said. This month, the project planned to relocate four more villages with another four being moved at the end of the year, he added. According to the project, the housing being constructed for the impacted villages has now reached 80 percent completion. To ensure the living conditions for the relocated families is adequate, the project is set to provide a one-year supply of rice for consumption and 25kW of electricity for three months, Mr Souliya said. The project will also provide training on agriculture and livestock breeding to ensure food security and income. Head of Samakhexay village, Mr Phoungeun Outhsaha, said despite a few families being worried about the allocated areas for planting crops and rearing livestock, they need to look forward to the development and cooperate with the project. However, most families have agreed to move and understand that the socio-economic developments on the government policy and energy development will contribute towards poverty reduction, Mr Phoungeun said. The new villages and homes would improve their living conditions from having no electricity and paved roads for transportation, he said. The project also focuses on building primary and secondary schools. Their children would also have access to better education as there a plans to construct schools, Mr Phoungeun said. Adding that in the past, children only completed primary school level studies but with these developments they would be able to complete secondary school. Mr Souliya promised that the project would allocate 0.8 to one hectare of land for cultivation to each family. The project funding amounts to around US$132.7 million with a capacity installation of 60MW and is expected to be able to generate 246 million KWH of electricity per year. The development is expected to finish in 2016. The project is being overseen by Electricite du Laos, who will supply electricity to the northern provinces. The project is also set to supply electricity to 90 percent of Lao households by 2020 according to the government plan."