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Deal #6525 Version #75962

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3. Data source #QTYlVbu3

Media report
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Vientiane Times report from 04/03/2014: "The Lao government has concluded a concession agreement for the Nam Phay Hydropower Project with the Nam Phay Power Company Ltd following the execution of various important agreements with the project sponsors and shareholders. [...] The Nam Phay Hydropower Project is located in Xaysomboun province around 290km away from Vientiane, and forms part of the National Power Development Programme of Laos, The dam site is located in a valley upstream of the Nam Phay River, a tributary of the Nam Ngum River and the powerhouse is located on the right bank of the Nam Leuk River. The project is a medium-scale inter-basin diversion project with a high water head of 700 metres. Two Pelton turbine generators with a total capacity of 86MW shall be installed and the annual average power output will be 420 GWh. The total investment of the project is about US$218 million, and the scheduled construction period is 42 months. The commencement date is in December 2013 and the completion date is set for June 2017, when commercial operation will commence. The concession period is 25 years from the commencement of commercial generation. The project is sponsored by Norinco International Cooperation., Ltd of China with shareholders including Fame Star Development Ltd and Electricite du Laos (EDL). [...]"