Deal #6523

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Land area

Intended size
0 ha
Size in operation (production)
  • [current] 1150 ha
Comment on land area
Size of operation indicated is the reservoir area. The transmission lines require a cleared swath of land over their 11km length. [Source: Vietstock]

Intention of investment

Intention of investment
  • [current] Renewable energy unspecified
Comment on intention of investment
Nam Lik 1, installed capactiy: 64.7 MW, developed by an independent power producer (IPP) The project is in line with the 7th Five-Year National Socio-Economic Development Plan, according to a Ministry of Energy and Mines press release {Source: Vietstock]

Nature of the deal

Nature of the deal
Comment on nature of the deal
NL1PC signed a concession agreement with the Government of Lao PDR on 6 February 2013 in the form of Build-Own-Operate and Transfer (BOT) to Lao PDR with the duration of 30 years (some sources indicate 25 years)

Negotiation status

Negotiation status
  • [2006-01-01] Intended (Memorandum of understanding)
  • [2013-02-03, current] Concluded (Contract signed)
Comment on negotiation status
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in 2006, Project Development Agreement (PDA) signed on 08/04/2008 and Concession Agreement (CA) signed on 06/02/2013

Implementation status

Implementation status
  • [2014-01-01, current] Startup phase (no production)
Comment on implementation status
Dam construction started in June 2014, with commercial operations slated to commence three years later.