Deal #5717

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Last update
Last full update

Detailed crop, animal and mineral information

Crops area/yield/export
  • Oil Palm [2010, current]

Detailed contract farming crop and animal information

Contract farming crops
  • [2010, current] Oil Palm

Use of produce

Has domestic use
Has export
0 %
Comment on use of produce
As a result of this alliance, 250 of the 1,000 farmers involved are already marketing raw materials extracted from their crops. They sell them to food and detergent companies, which use them as inputs in consumer products. Source 2 The product is sold to Unilever, a Dutch company. Source 5. Unilever, a British-Dutch company that is a world leader in mass consumer products and the largest palm oil processor in the world, became interested in the project as part of its Sustainable Life Plan, which seeks to ensure that the company sources 100% of its raw materials from sustainable sources in the short term (Fedepalma, 2012). Therefore, it only purchases palm oil certified by RSPO on issues of transparency, occupational health, economic viability, good agricultural practices, environmental responsibility, responsibility with employees and the community, new responsible crops and permanent improvements (Fedepalma, 2014). Source 7

In country processing of produce

In country processing of produce
Comment on in country processing of produce
The entire production of the project's palm crop is sold by the association to Promotora Hacienda las Flores, which transforms the palm's corozo into agrodiesel at its processing plant in the municipality of Codazzi, Cesar.