Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #5699

Deal #5699 Version #73338

Côte d'Ivoire
Created at
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Operating Company

Operating company
Name of investment project
Agbaou Gold mine
Comment on investment chain
The Agbaou exploitation permit was granted to Etruscan Resources Cote d’Ivoire SARL (“ERCI”) by Decree no. 2012-766 on August 1, 2012. Between 2009 and 2010 Endeavour purchased Etruscan and Etruscan’s name was changed to Endeavour Resources Inc. A transfer was then granted to the newly formed Agbaou Gold Operations SA (“AGO”), which was held 85% by Endeavour Resources Inc. (Cayman) and 15% by the Ivorian Government (10% directly and directly and 5% through Société pour le Dévelopment Minier de la Côte d’Ivoire (“SODEMI”), the national mining agency). Endeavour sold its stake in the Agbaou mine to Allied Gold Corp in 2021.
Network of parent companies and tertiary investors/lenders
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