Deal #5414
Created at
Last update
Last full update
Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected
Comment on communities / indigenous peoples affected
four villages affected.
Recognition status of community land tenure
Recognition status of community land tenure
Community traditional or customary rights recognized by government
Consultation of local community
Community consultation
Not consulted
How did the community react?
Community reaction
Comment on community reaction
The community have been accused of destroying company property. The community have lodged an appeal to the municipality. After clashes between security forces and the people of Diokoul, followed by a series of arrests of 20 people involved in this land dispute between some of the farmers of Diokoul and the Indian company Senegindia, the dispute is finally coming to an end with the renunciation and withdrawal of the Indians from the land.
Presence of land conflicts
Presence of land conflicts
Comment on presence of land conflicts
Company ordered to stop work however they have not. Community protesting.
Negative impacts for local communities
Negative impacts for local communities
Socio-economic, Displacement, Violence
Promised benefits for local communities
Promised benefits for local communities
Health, Education, Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...)
Materialized benefits for local communities
Materialized benefits for local communities
Health, Education, Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...)
Comment on materialized benefits for local communities
SWAMI AGRI SA proceeded on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, to the inaugurations of the canal of NDIAKHAYE and the elementary school, in the commune of MBANE.
Presence of organizations and actions taken (e.g. farmer organizations, NGOs, etc.)
Presence of organizations and actions taken (e.g. farmer organizations, NGOs, etc.)
Collectif des agriculteurs locaux
Collectif des producteurs de Diokoul.