Version 70651 Version 70652
Comment on investment chain
One source states that Citic is only involved in the construction of the project for an African enterprise.
Citic construction is only involved in the construction (won the tender) and training once the center is operational. 5 year contract- 2 years for construction and 3 years for management and training. Citic did not acquire the land itself.
Overall comment
The company has another 10 000ha farm in Angola (#5017) and a 30 000ha intended deal (#4554). The farms are a showcase of modern agriculture in the country.
The company has another farm in Angola (#5017). The farms are a showcase of modern agriculture in the country. Citic construction is only involved in the construction (won the tender) and training once the center is operational. 5 year contract- 2 years for construction and 3 years for management and training. Citic did not acquire the land itself.