1. Data source #7XZjJcmr Type Research Paper / Policy Report Url www2.gtz.de Date 2009-01-01 Comment on data source gtz, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Land in Cambodia, 2009
2. Data source #5Ldrne9Z Type Personal information Name Alfons Ullenberg Organisation GTZ Email info@gtz.de Phone +49 6196 79 - 0 Includes in-country-verified information Yes
3. Data source #MJ-gMIAD Type Government sources Url www.elc.maff.gov.kh File elcmaffgovkhenprofile16-krt48-....pdf
4. Data source #ZMO9adq4 Type Media report Url www.opendevelopmentcambodia.net File opendevelopmentcambodianetmaps....pdf Date 2013-03-05 Comment on data source Date accessed. Shows the exact location of the deal