Deal #4770

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How did the community react?

Community reaction
Comment on community reaction
Twelve villagers, including relatives of people who died in incidents near the North Mara mine sued the company. They had claimed the company’s subsidiary, North Mara Gold Mine Ltd (Nmgml) had failed to prevent the use of excessive force by police and security which had led to six deaths and other injuries in 2008. The incidents came after communities invaded the mine. In one incident, in 2008, local people broke into the site and allegedly destroyed $15m (£10m) worth of Barrick property. In 2009, Barrick said that it had launched an investigation into allegations of sexual assault at the mine but the results were not disclosed. 10 people have been killed in 2014 as a result of “excessive force” by police and security guards at the North Mara mine (the community continue to invade the mine).

Promised or received compensation

Received compensation (e.g. for damages or resettlements)
21.59bn/- as compensation for their property in the Komarera area in Tarime District, Mara Region to allow the expansion of the North Mara gold mine activities. This is for compensation to 4,881 people. A total of 5,162 citizens will be compensated.