General info |
Land area |
Intention of investment |
Carbon offset project |
Nature of the deal |
Negotiation status |
Negotiation status | - [2013, current] Concluded (Contract signed)
| - [2013] Concluded (Contract signed)
- [2021, current] Failed (Contract cancelled)
Comment on negotiation status | | The Mauritanian government has canceled a concession of 3,200 hectares granted to AAAID. This decision falls within the framework of the will of the government of President El Ghazouani to put an end to the unjustified land grabbing of the populations of the Senegal River valley |
Implementation status |
Implementation status | - [2015] Project not started
- [2020, current] Startup phase (no production)
| - [2015] Project not started
- [2020, current] Startup phase (no production)
- [2021] Project abandoned
Comment on implementation status | The investor is clearing the land with the assistance of the government in 2020. | The investor is clearing the land with the assistance of the government in 2020.
The Mauritanian government cancelled the deal following a verification work, the government decided to denounce this convention on March 10, 2021, considering that it is not in accordance with the interests of the Mauritanian party . |
Purchase price |
Leasing fees |
Contract farming |
Employment |
Number of total jobs created |
Number of jobs for foreigners created |
Number of domestic jobs created |
Investor info |
Operating company |
Local communities / indigenous peoples |
Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected |
Recognition status of community land tenure |
Consultation of local community |
How did the community react? |
Presence of land conflicts |
Displacement of people |
Negative impacts for local communities |
Promised or received compensation |
Promised benefits for local communities |
Materialized benefits for local communities |
Presence of organizations and actions taken (e.g. farmer organizations, NGOs, etc.) |
Former use |
Former land owner (not by constitution) |
Former land use |
Former land cover |
Produce info |
Detailed crop, animal and mineral information |
Detailed contract farming crop and animal information |
Detailed electricity generation information |
Detailed carbon sequestration/offsetting information |
Use of produce |
In country processing of produce |
Water |
Water extraction envisaged |
Source of water extraction |
How much do investors pay for water and the use of water infrastructure? |
How much water is extracted? |
Gender-related info |
Any gender-specific information about the investment and its impacts |
Overall comment |
Overall comment |
Meta |
Fully updated |
Fully updated | | |
Confidential |
Locations |
Data sources |
Data source #u-AV1dkl |
Comment on data source | | |
Data source #lALSNVw2 |
Type | | |
Url | | |
Keep PDF not public | | |
Publication title | | Mauritania: towards the end of the plundering of land in the Senegal River valley |
Date | | |
Contracts |