Version 68575 Version 87484
Size under contract (leased or purchased area)
  • [2008] 2000.0 ha
  • [2012] 45000.0 ha
  • [2016] 50000.0 ha
  • [2018, current] 68310.0 ha
  • [2008] 2000 ha
  • [2012] 27800 ha
  • [2020, current] 25000 ha
Size in operation (production)
  • [1998] 2000.0 ha
  • [2016, current] 48500.0 ha
  • [2008] 27000.0 ha
  • [2013] 40275.0 ha
  • [2014] 43400.0 ha
  • [2015] 45473.0 ha
  • [1998] 2000 ha
  • [2008] 27000 ha
  • [2013] 40275 ha
  • [2014] 43400 ha
  • [2015] 45473 ha
  • [2016, current] 48500 ha
Comment on land area
In the end of year 2015 - under control was 50000, in operation - 48500 ha; According to the website Agroxy: 1) 23234.4 ha {2018} -Vinnytska region; 2) 45075.2 ha {2018} - Pyriatyn.
In the end of year 2015 - under control was 50 000, in operation - 48500 ha; According to the website Agroxy: 1) 23234.4 ha {2018} -Vinnytska region; 2) 45075.2 ha {2018} - Pyriatyn. In 2020, the whole Group contracted 57 000 hectares. As this is a parent deal representing the South cluster, the contracted area represents the part of the landbank that does not belong to Chernihiv (deal 9547) or Poltava clusters (deal 9548). Size in operation refers to the whole Group indicators.
Negotiation status
  • [2013, current] Concluded (Contract signed)
  • [2008, current] Concluded (Contract signed)
Comment on negotiation status
several agreements (see comment above)
The Group was acquired by a foreign investor in 2008.
Comment on jobs created (total)
Refers to the whole Group level.
Operating company
Comment on investment chain
the parent company of the Ukrainian subsidiaries
the parent company of the Ukrainian subsidiaries. South cluster
Comment on former land owner
Part of the contracted area was acquired after a series of purchases of agricultural enterprises (which were then terminated). The other part is directly leased from smallholders
Comment on use of produce
There was export of Maize, Soybeans, Wheat, and a mixture of wheat and rye (meslin).
Export since 2012 to Sweden, Belarus, Singapore, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Japan. Goods of export - soya and corn, wheat
Processing facilities / production infrastructure of the project (e.g. oil mill, ethanol distillery, biomass power plant etc.)
in-house storage and drying capacities. Six grain elevators - in Baryshivka, Berezan, Yahotyn, Pyriatyn, Nizhyn, and Yarmolyntsi. Livestock farms
Comment on gender-related info
The average number of employees in 2020 was 1085, divided between 223 women and 862 men.
Overall comment
the company "was formed in December 2009 from the merger of Harvest Moon East, a Ukraine farmland operator controlled by US entrepreneur Alex Oronov, and a Swedish-Ukrainian team of businessmen" ( )
the company "was formed in December 2009 from the merger of Harvest Moon East, a Ukraine farmland operator controlled by US entrepreneur Alex Oronov, and a Swedish-Ukrainian team of businessmen". Parent deal. Closely linked with 9548 and 9547 as they subsumed from this deal.
Fully updated

Location #pP7n3fEj

unknown field
Spatial accuracy level
Administrative region
Kalaidyntsi, Poltavs'ka oblast, Ukraine
Lat: 50.10303
Lng: 32.96595

Location #DpCP7cMs

unknown field
Spatial accuracy level
Administrative region
Chernihiv, Chernihivs'ka oblast, Ukraine
Lat: 51.4982
Lng: 31.28935

Location #YgA-oESR

unknown field
Spatial accuracy level
Approximate location
Piznyky, Poltavs'ka oblast, Ukraine
Lat: 50.24312
Lng: 32.99713

Data source #Ce1ng9FG

unknown field
Media report
Keep PDF not public
Publication title
Land lease promotes the development of villages

Data source #ZCiPWiCb

unknown field
Company sources
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Comment on data source
Several merged annual reports that show the expansion of the contracted area