Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #4459
Deal #4459 Version #92571
Created at
Last update
Last full update
Land area
Intended size
30 000 ha
Size under contract (leased or purchased area)
- [2015, current] 20000 ha
Size in operation (production)
- 1200 ha
- [2022, current] 3000 ha
Comment on land area
Company website states 20 000ha. Other sources state 25 000 ha concluded size and 30 000ha intended size. The cassava seedlings plantation by Sunbird will over the years cover 10,000 hectares. By 2022, nursery of up to 1,200 hectares suppling the out growers [data source 10]. In 2022, the company ran a 3,000-hectare cassava plantation and was in the process of setting up an ethanol plant [data source 11].
Intention of investment
Intention of investment
- [2015, current] Biomass for biofuels, Food crops (20000 ha)
Comment on intention of investment
biorefinery processing plant that will convert cassava feedstock into anhydrous ethyl alcohol. cassava plantation and processing plant. Another source says ethanol produced from cassava feedstock, blended with petrol.
Carbon offset project
Carbon offset project
Nature of the deal
Nature of the deal
Negotiation status
Negotiation status
- [2014] Intended (Expression of interest)
- [2015, current] Concluded (Contract signed)
Implementation status
Implementation status
- [2015] Startup phase (no production)
- [2017] Startup phase (no production)
- [2020] Startup phase (no production)
- [2022, current] In operation (production)
Comment on implementation status
MOU with China New Energy for building the plant. Nursery being established and opened by the President of Zambia in January 2020. The company will start building the bio-refinery plant this year (2020), which is expected to reduce the country’s fuel imports by 10 percent. As of 2022, contract farming was enforce and the company had planted on a nucleus farm. The investor was reportedly looking for investors for the biorefinery and cassava plant.
Contract farming
Contract farming
Not on leased / purchased (out-grower)
Not on leased area/farmers/households (out-grower)
- [2020] 2500
- [2022, current] 5000
Comment on contract farming
about 20,000 smallholder cassava farmers are expected to supply feedstock to the facility. 2000 initial farmers selected. Vana, an Indian company, is contracted to design and implement the cassava out-grower programme. Mr Benette says 5,000 small-scale farmers will be recruited on the project this year (2020) and the remaining 15,000 will be put on the programme by 2021. Company website shows only 2,500 out-growers were recruited for the 2020 season.