Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #4211

Deal #4211 Version #66364

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How did the community react?

Comment on community reaction
In November 2018 10,000 people protested in the streets over water shortages caused by the diversion of river courses by local landowners. Conflicts over water use. The expansion of agricultural land and water used for irrigation in soybean production has led to conflicts between soybean farmers and local communities. In 2017 1000 people occupied two farms, Jatobá and Chaparral and disrupted their irrigation systems. Inhabitants of the village of Capão do Modesto, located 50 km from the farm, connect deforestation around wells and water use with the lack of water in their rivers and lakes. The dwindling water supply has caused the villagers to abandon their small rice farms and fruit farming.

Presence of land conflicts

Comment on presence of land conflicts
conflict: government investigates Brasilagro for suspected illegal land acquisitions.Purchases without authorization from the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra) or the National Congress. Currently, there are a number of restrictions, such as limitations on the areas that can be acquired and the requirement of prior authorization from the government for the sale of land to foreigners. Incra opened a procedure to investigate the situation in May 2016.

Displacement of people

Comment on displacement of people
The dwindling water supply has caused the villagers to abandon their small rice farms and fruit farming.

Negative impacts for local communities

Comment on negative impacts for local communities
1491 hectares cleared in 2017/18. 12.672 hectares cleared between 2012 and 2017