Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #4134

Deal #4134 Version #65952

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Land area

Size in operation (production)
  • [current] 2666.0 ha
Comment on land area
.The land was acquired by Union Agriculture Group before 2008. In the whole Region 1, UAG has 22146 hectares between Cerro Largo (Farm La Pipa 2666 has in production) and Rivera (15693 hectares in production)

Intention of investment

Intention of investment
  • [current] Food crops, Livestock

Nature of the deal

Nature of the deal
Outright purchase

Negotiation status

Negotiation status
  • [current] Concluded (Contract signed)
Comment on negotiation status
The land was acquired by Union Agriculture Group before 2008.

Implementation status

Implementation status
  • [current] In operation (production)
Comment on implementation status
The land was acquired by Union Agriculture Group and it is in production before 2008.