Deal #3972

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Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected

Name of community
The project will occupy the area of 3 villages of Sanxay district: Dakkieth, Tadsaeng and Moun villages. And in 5 villages of Xaysetha district: Kaengxay, Sakhae, Phoxay, Xaiy and Tuey villages ,
Source: RFA Lao

Consultation of local community

Comment on consultation of local community
Villagers in Sanxay district said that the company (TTC sugar) occupied the agricultural areas of local residents and they told villagers that villagers can plant sugarcane for them, but there was no detail for the plan and villagers were concerned if they will get fair compensation for the loss of their land or not. It’s uncertain for villagers now. Source: RFA Lao

How did the community react?

Comment on community reaction

Negative impacts for local communities

Negative impacts for local communities
Environmental degradation
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
Land loss, environment impacts and concerns of chemical uses in the plantation that will pollute the river and soil and wastewater. Company built the big canal that blocks the access of villagers ‘animals as that area used to their habitat’s area Source: RFA Lao

Promised or received compensation

Promised compensation (e.g. for damages or resettlements)
promised: income opportunities, capacity building, infrastructure, economic development of the region

Promised benefits for local communities

Promised benefits for local communities
Health, Education, Roads
Comment on promised benefits for local communities
Promise to create 20,000 jobs for local people