Version 86480 Version 87746
Comment on land area
In 2019-2020, TTC Attapeu Sugar and government of Laos has the land lease rights contracts for 2,790.9 ha located in Phouvong district Source: TTC Group Annual report 2019-2020
Comment on intention of investment
sugar, biofuel and fertilizer
sugar, biofuel and fertilizer Organic Sugar, Sugar manufacturing plant, thermal power plant
Comment on nature of the deal
As of June 30, 2020, Raw material area network is 11,677 ha Source: TTC Group Annual report 2019-2020
Comment on implementation status
According to the Vietnam Business Forum, after the M&A deal of TTC Attapeu sugar mill - formerly known as Hoang Anh Attapeu sugar mill - in Attapeu Province of Laos in 2017, Thanh Thanh Cong - Bien Hoa Joint Stock Company (TTC Sugar, HOSE: SBT) is currently running an β€˜organic sugarcane’ area of ​​7,500 ha in Laos, which can be expanded to 20,000 ha in the next five years (dated 12 April 2019). Source: VCCI News Attapeu province approved the area of 3,841 ha for the expansion of sugarcane plantation in Sanxay and Xaysetha districts of Attapeu province Source: RFA Lao
Comment on contract farming
Not clear, but villagers mentioned that company may do the 2+3 or 1+4 contracts arrangement. While official from Attapeu provincial office of agriculture and forestry said that company might do contract in the form of β€˜1+3 model’ contract Source: RFA Lao
Comment on jobs created (total)
TTC Sugar reported on the its SDG’s support that they created 275 jobs for Laos workers Source: TTC Group Annual report 2019-2020
Operating company
Comment on investment chain
The bonds are secured by land lease right from the lease contract between Hoang Anh – Quang Minh Rubber Industrial and Agricultural Co., Ltd. and Laos Government and attached assets; land lease right from the lease contract between Hoang Anh Attapeu Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. and Laos Government and attached assets; land lease right from the lease contract and attached assets belong to Hoang Anh Attapeu Sugar Cane Co., Ltd.
There was a change for the ownership of the company according the news from Vietnam Business Forum, it reported that Hoang Anh Attapeu sugar mill is the former name for β€˜TTC Attapeu sugar mill’- in Attapeu Province of Laos in 2017, Thanh Thanh Cong - Bien Hoa Joint Stock Company (TTC Sugar, HOSE: SBT) is currently running an β€˜organic sugarcane’ area of 7,500 ha in Laos…. Source: VCCI News & See more about TCC Sugar from video HERE In 2016 TTC Sugar bought about 7,000 ha sugarcane farm in Attapeu Province (Laos) from HoΓ ng Anh Gia Lai in an M&A deal. TTC Attapeu Sugar Cane Sole Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of ThΓ nh ThΓ nh CΓ΄ng BiΓͺn HΓ²a JSC (TTC Sugar). Source: Vietnam News (See overall comment for more information)
Name of community
The project will occupy the area of 3 villages of Sanxay district: Dakkieth, Tadsaeng and Moun villages. And in 5 villages of Xaysetha district: Kaengxay, Sakhae, Phoxay, Xaiy and Tuey villages ,
Source: RFA Lao
Comment on consultation of local community
Villagers in Sanxay district said that the company (TTC sugar) occupied the agricultural areas of local residents and they told villagers that villagers can plant sugarcane for them, but there was no detail for the plan and villagers were concerned if they will get fair compensation for the loss of their land or not. It’s uncertain for villagers now. Source: RFA Lao
Comment on community reaction
Negative impacts for local communities
Environmental degradation
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
Land loss, environment impacts and concerns of chemical uses in the plantation that will pollute the river and soil and wastewater. Company built the big canal that blocks the access of villagers β€˜animals as that area used to their habitat’s area Source: RFA Lao
Comment on former land use
Animal farm, cropland
Comment on crops
On May 27, 2015, the MoIT had issued Circular 08, which fixed the quota for import of Laos sugar at 50,000 tonnes per year. Source: Vietstock
Comment on use of produce
Products are exported to Vietnam
Products are exported to Vietnam TTC Attapeu Sugar Cane planned to export its sugar to the European market following an agreements with the UK’s ED&F Man Sugar. Source: Vietnam News
Comment on in country processing of produce
sugar milling
As of 2019-2020, the production capacity of the sugarcane is 750 tonnes per day Source: TTC Group Annual report 2019-2020
Processing facilities / production infrastructure of the project (e.g. oil mill, ethanol distillery, biomass power plant etc.)
Sugarcane mill, factory
Overall comment
News on 23 May 2017) BiΓͺn HΓ²a Sugar JSC and ThΓ nh ThΓ nh CΓ΄ng TΓ’y Ninh Sugar JSC, two subsidiaries of the ThΓ nh ThΓ nh CΓ΄ng Group (TTC Group), will take over the sugar business from HoΓ ng Anh Gia Lai Agriculture International (HAGL Agrico) for VNĐ1.33 trillion (US$59.1 million). HAGL Sugar Co Ltd is a member of HAGL Agrico – a subsidiary of HoΓ ng Anh Gia Lai Group. The sugar business owns 100 per cent of capital in HoΓ ng Anh Attapeu Sugar Co Ltd in Laos. Source: Vietnam News
Fully updated

Location #2W94UjRy

Sanxay and Xaysetha districts of Attapeu province

Data source #sj1_JHyI

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Media report
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Publication title
Attapeu govt encorgages villagers to grow sugarcane.pdf

Data source #BJzfJWiG

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Media report
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Publication title
HAGL imports more than 1,300 tonnes of sugar

Data source #TdJLOZ99

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Publication title
HoΓ ng Anh Gia Lai sells sugar business for $59m

Data source #g6o0Y7xm

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Publication title
TTC Sugar inks deal with UK firm

Data source #HyxXg4pA

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Publication title
TTC Sugar: Leader of Organic Sugar in Vietnam

Data source #wJN3_51Y

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Publication title
Villagers worry about impacts from Sugarcane plantation in Aattapue province

Contract #NfdO-liV

Duration of the agreement
41 years