Version 65000 Version 87745
Size under contract (leased or purchased area)
  • [2006, current] 8000.0 ha
  • [2006, current] 5 ha
Size in operation (production)
  • [2013, current] 2500.0 ha
  • [2013, current] 2500 ha
Comment on land area
Laos Government has currently granted the license to the LVF to rent 8,000 ha of land.
Govt of Lao approved the area of 5,000 ha of land concession to LVF in 2006 Source: Resistance and Contingent Contestations to Large-Scale Land Concessions
Nature of the deal
Comment on implementation status
Provincial authorities are now patrolling Yeup village to prevent residents from felling trees on the rubber plantation, and checking all outsiders who come and go in the village Source: RFA Lao The village headman is believed to have received some benefits from the company in return for signing away almost all the agricultural and forest land of the village. Although the headman originally denied wrongdoing, a document signing away the land with his signature on it eventually came to light, causing him to resign from his position in disgrace. Source: Resistance and Contingent Contestations to Large-Scale Land Concessions
Comment on investment chain
The company name sometimes is spelled β€˜Cong Ty Cao Su Nghi Lao-Viet (LVF)’
Name of community
Yeup and Meuy villages
Community consultation
Not consulted
Comment on consultation of local community
Residents of Yeup village in Sekong’s Thateng district have been fighting since 2006 for alternative land and additional compensation since the government granted their land to LVF. Since 2011 villagers have been signing protest petitions against LVF and submitting them to the prime minister’s office and the National Assembly Source: RFA & RFA Laos Some villagers also spoke about their plight on a radio program in Vientiane. Provincial authorities were angry that the villagers went over their heads, and some leaders were arrested in 2012 and forced to sign papers promising to stop resisting Source: Resistance and Contingent Contestations to Large-Scale Land Concessions
Community reaction
Presence of land conflicts
Comment on presence of land conflicts
Since 2006, the conflict over the land in Yeup has been going on since 2006 because the company had β€œgrabbed” 121 hectares from 55 families, though its concession from authorities legally allowed it to take only 42 hectares Source: RFA
Comment on displacement of people
By the time the villagers realized what had happened, their farmland had been seized, cleared and planted with rubber seedlings, leaving the 92 families in the community with no agricultural or common lands. All they had left was the land where their houses are located. During his field study to Yeup village in 2017, Baird said that the provincial police had visited the village in order to prepare documentation that would allow the villagers to officially relocate if the provincial government can find them an appropriate place to move. The villagers who have taken control of part of the rubber plantation have made it clear that they are ready to accept the plantation if they are offered a good place to resettle Source: Resistance and Contingent Contestations to Large-Scale Land Concessions
Negative impacts for local communities
Socio-economic, Cultural loss, Eviction, Displacement, Violence
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
Villagers lost their land because of this expansion, crops were also destroyed. When villagers lost their land, they had to work as labor in the company or migrated to another province to work as daily workers. Source: Sound Cloud Two children were released in June 2018. The two were detained by police in July 2017 together with 12 other villagers from Yeub village who were taken into custody for obstructing workers and cutting down trees on land granted by the government to a Vietnamese rubber company. Source: Monitor Civicus
Received compensation (e.g. for damages or resettlements)
55 families from Yeub village, Thateng district of Sekong province were not happy with the arranged land that government allocated for them to compensation the land loss. Villagers said that the allocated land was not suitable for growing and not good quality to do cultivation and it was also very far from their homes. Source: RFA Lao 1
Presence of organizations and actions taken (e.g. farmer organizations, NGOs, etc.)
The Lao organization, the Lao Biodiversity Association (LBA), first reported on the problems with rubber plantation development in Thateng in 2008. Some villagers came together and petitioned the National Assembly in the capital city of Vientiane for their land to be returned.
Crops area/yield/export
  • Rubber tree [2011] 2900.0 ha
  • Coffee Plant [current]
  • Rubber tree [2011] 2900 ha
  • Coffee Plant [current]
Overall comment
Audio file (Lao) recorded in a Lao National Radio show in October 2011: Villager from Thateng, Sekong Province in the Lao PDR, describes how the community's livelihood has been altered after the village land was taken over by a rubber plantation in 2006. The community has tried to seek improvement for their situation since then. Source: Sound Cloud

Location #FcGDIB9V

Yeup and Meuy Villages, Thateng District, Xekong province

Data source #z365nx_X

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Publication title
Lao National Radio show in October 2011

Data source #MH34DtHn

unknown field
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Publication title
10 years of fighting to seek justice for land loss to rubber company_RFA Lao.pdf

Data source #JPITocbM

unknown field
Research Paper / Policy Report
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Publication title
Problems for the Plantations: Challenges for Large-Scale Land Concessions in Laos and Cambodia
Research Gate

Data source #qgOoHSsZ

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Publication title
Lao Land Protest Villagers Held in Failing Health β€” Radio Free Asia

Data source #M2ezaViK

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Publication title
Lao Villagers Arrested in 11-Year- Old Land Dispute in Sekong Province

Data source #VnJjgmHZ

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Publication title
Rights Group Demands Transparency in Case Against 10 Lao Villagers Jailed Over Land Dispute

Data source #qu03aVSu

unknown field
Media report
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Publication title
Two children involved in land protests released