1. Data source #p650hSHZ Type Url www.cut.org.co File cutorgcoindexphpoptioncom_cont....pdf Date 2013-06-18
2. Data source #-c-u33Ki Type Url confidencialcolombia.com File confidencialcolombiacomes13047....pdf Date 2013-06-14
3. Data source #_GMPMBRY Type Url www.riopaila-castilla.com File sriopaila-castillacomindexphpo....pdf
4. Data source #FSlsl6xI Type Url farmlandgrab.org File farmlandgraborgpostview22266.p....pdf Date 2013-06-29
5. Data source #5flUfSuv Type Url www.wradio.com.co File wradiocomconoticiasactualidadc....pdf Date 2013-06-11 Comment on data source Pesos $40 Mill were loaned to the front companies to acquiring the land
8. Data source #HT5fZl6j Type Url www.riopaila-castilla.com File sriopaila-castillacomindexphpo....pdf
9. Data source #IMMCmNlq Type Url www.riopaila-castilla.com File sriopaila-castillacomimagespdf....pdf