Deal #3811 Version 63864 Version 63865
Comment on implementation status
The company stated that Dole Lanka has closed a contract for the cultivation of the area with Letsgrow Limited.
Comment on presence of land conflicts
The company cleared more than 15,600 acres of forest lands for banana cultivation in the Somawathiya National Park, Lunugamvehera National Park and in Buttala in the Monaragala district.
The company cleared more than 15,600 acres of forest lands for banana cultivation in the Somawathiya National Park, Lunugamvehera National Park and in Buttala in the Monaragala district. There is plenty of evidence to prove that Dole Lanka Private Limited is using these lands, at the borer of Lunugamwehera National Park, illegally.
Negative impacts for local communities
Environmental degradation, Socio-economic
Environmental degradation, Socio-economic, Other
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
Dole Lanka has denied water for the farmers from the Wekada Wewa in Buttala. Over the past several years the villagers have been taking water from this tank for their cultivations. The banana plantation has expanded round this tank and blocked the waterway denying water to the villagers. The villu ecosystems in the floodplains of Mahaweli River and Kandakaduwa Canal and the nearby forests which are inhabited by elephants have been destroyed for the agriculture project. Crop-raids by elephants and other animals might lead villagers to give up their agricultural activities and seek other forms of employment.
Dole Lanka has denied water for the farmers from the Wekada Wewa in Buttala. Over the past several years the villagers have been taking water from this tank for their cultivations. The banana plantation has expanded round this tank and blocked the waterway denying water to the villagers. When asked as to what action they will take against Dole Lanka (Pvt) Ltd for clearing more than 3900 acres in the Monaragala dist rict, Hitisekera said that the people and their belongings including the machinery could be taken into custody. β€œ The villu ecosystems in the floodplains of Mahaweli River and Kandakaduwa Canal and the nearby forests which are inhabited by elephants have been destroyed for the agriculture project. Crop-raids by elephants and other animals might lead villagers to give up their agricultural activities and seek other forms of employment.
Presence of organizations and actions taken (e.g. farmer organizations, NGOs, etc.)
Subsequently, Dole Lanka got in touch with the Department of Wildlife Conservation, the government authority responsible for monitoring the national parks, and asked for advice in this matter.
Comment on crops
Dole Lanka Ltd. – a subsidiary of Dole Asia Holdings Pte., the world’s largest producers and marketers of high-quality fresh fruits and fresh vegetables – recently terminated the contract with one of its labour outsourcing companies, Southern Force Ltd.
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Data source #IOUh1Kvq

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This article provided information added on Local communities / indigenous peoples under Presence of land conflicts.