Deal #3799

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Operating Company

Operating company
Name of investment project
Shweli 3 Hydropower Project
Comment on investment chain
Yunnan United Power Development Co., Ltd. was established in August 2006, jointly invested by Huaneng Langcang River Hydropower Co., Ltd. (50%), Yunnan Hexing Investment and Development Co., Ltd. (34%) and Yunnan Union Resources & Engineering Co. Ltd. (16%). On May 22, 2007, Yunnan United Power Development Co., Ltd. and Myanmar Ministry of Electric Power jointly established Shweli I Hydropower Co., with Yunnan United Power Development Co., Ltd. holding 80% of the shares, while the Myanmar Ministry of Electric Power holding 20% of the shares. With the approval of the Myanmar government, Shweli I Hydropower Plant was developed in BOT (build-operation-transfer) manner. In accordance with the Joint Venture Agreement, Myanmar can use 15% of the electricity generated from the power station for free. The validity of the franchise right is 40 years.
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